help with date comparision


Jay Baxter

Hello all

I had a sheet with a column (column 13) for dates. I am trying to write code that will take all the dates that are older than 120 days (from today) and move them to another sheet. This is what i have so far.. any help would be greatly appreciated

Sub ArchiveRoutine(

Dim iCt2 As Intege
Dim iRow3 As Intege
Dim iRow4 As Intege
Dim ws3 As Workshee
Dim ws4 As Workshee
Dim erow2 As Intege

Set ws3 = Sheets("Sheet2"
Set ws4 = Sheets("Sheet3"
iRow3 =
erow2 =
While ws4.Cells(erow, 13) <> "": erow2 = erow2 + 1: Wen
iRow4 = erow

'copy from sheet2 to sheet
Do Until ws3.Cells(iRow3, 13) = "
If ws3.Cells(iRow3, 13) – ws3.DAYS360((TODAY()),B1,FALSE) > 90 The
For iCt2 = 1 To 1
ws4.Cells(iRow4, iCt2) = ws3.Cells(iRow3, iCt2
Next iCt
iRow4 = iRow4 +
End I
iRow3 = iRow3 +

[Note: Below is another part I need to change completely I think. What I need to do is this: Remove the rows that were copied to sheet3 (ie. remove the duplicates)

'delete from sheet
For iCt2 = iRow3 To 2 Step -
If ws3.Cells(iRow3, 13) – ws3.DAYS360((TODAY()),B1,FALSE) > 90 Then ws3.Rows(iCt2).Delet
Next iCt

End Su

I think I am doing the date comparison wrong… I am not too familiar with VBA syntax.. Any ideas on how I would go about doing this?

Jay Baxte

Jay Baxter

altered the code in my first message a bit. Still no luck. Now i get a subscript out of range

I dont know if my syntax with the dates (if then statements) are right.

please hel
-Jay Baxte

New Code
Sub ArchivedRoutine(

Dim iCt2 As Intege
Dim iRow3 As Intege
Dim iRow4 As Intege
Dim ws3 As Workshee
Dim ws4 As Workshee
Dim erow2 As Intege

Set ws3 = Sheets("Sheet2"
Set ws4 = Sheets("Sheet3"
iRow3 =
erow2 =
While ws4.Cells(erow2, 13) <> "": erow2 = erow2 + 1: Wen
iRow4 = erow

'copy from sheet2 to sheet
Do Until ws3.Cells(iRow3, 13) = "
If DateValue(ws3.Cells(1, 2)) - DateValue(ws3.Cells(iRow3, 13)) > 90 The
For iCt2 = 1 To 1
ws4.Cells(iRow4, iCt2) = ws3.Cells(iRow3, iCt2
Next iCt
iRow4 = iRow4 +
End I
iRow3 = iRow3 +

'delete from sheet
For iCt2 = iRow3 To 2 Step -
If DateValue(ws3.Cells(1, 2)) - DateValue(ws3.Cells(iRow3, 13)) > 90 Then ws3.Rows(iCt2).Delet
Next iCt

End Sub

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