Help with date query


Mike Busch

I have two fields in a sub form that I would like to setup. The first field
is Problem report date, and the second is Resolution Date. What I would like
is to have the query tell me when a problem that was reported is 30 days past
the starting point, but there is no resolution date. So if I report a
problem, and it is resolved within 30 days, nothing would appear in this
query. Only the ones that are past 30 days and unresolved.

John Spencer

Get those with no resolution date and Problem Report date is over 30 days

WHERE [Problem Report Date] <= DateAdd("d",-30,Date) AND [Resolution Date]

Get those with more than 30 days elapsed between the Problem Report Date and
the resolution date OR more than 30 days elapsed between the [Problem Report
Date] and today's date where Resolution date is null (blank)

WHERE DateDiff("d",[Problem Report Date],Nz([Resolution Date],Date())) > 30

If I got that right, then

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