Help with Datediff




I need help with the following. I'm not a programmer, but need to fix
one thing. Can soeone tell me what's wrong with the following?

"SELECT * FROM TblEvents WHERE DATEDIFF('d', fldDateArchive, now()) <
0 & DATEDIFF('d', fldDatePublish, now()) > 0 ORDER BY fldDateEvent

The idea is to publish only the events where the archive date isn't
due yet and where the publishdate is past (> 0).


Allen Browne

Perhaps something like this:

SELECT TblEvents*
FROM TblEvents
WHERE ((fldDateArchive >= Date())
AND (publishDate < Date()))
ORDER BY fldDateEvent;

That will require only one call to get today's date for the whole query,
instead of 2 DateDiff() calls for every record.


Perhaps something like this:

SELECT TblEvents*
FROM TblEvents
WHERE ((fldDateArchive >= Date())
AND (publishDate < Date()))
ORDER BY fldDateEvent;

That will require only one call to get today's date for the whole query,
instead of 2 DateDiff() calls for every record.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Works like a charm. Thanks!!!

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