help with DCount()



I have a table, called tblEnd, containing two fields.

ID - number
EndDate - date

I am trying to put together a dcount() to tell me how many of a specified
ID, does not have a date in the EndDate field.

I.e. find all - ID = 6 and EndDate is empty

The ID has been taken from current record on a loaded form and passed to an
integer called curID

Here is where I have got to:

Dim Total as integer

Total = DCount("[ID]", "tblEnd", "[ID] =" & curID)
msgbox Total

Every time I try and put in an AND statement, to tell it to find all the
empty EndDate fields, it fails.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? - Cheers

David C. Holley

-Always post the code thats crapping out as it will show us what your
-The statement would be something to the effect of
DCount("[ID]", "tblEnd", "[ID] = " & curID & " AND IsNull([EndDate]) =

Marshall Barton

Paul said:
I have a table, called tblEnd, containing two fields.

ID - number
EndDate - date

I am trying to put together a dcount() to tell me how many of a specified
ID, does not have a date in the EndDate field.

I.e. find all - ID = 6 and EndDate is empty

The ID has been taken from current record on a loaded form and passed to an
integer called curID

Here is where I have got to:

Dim Total as integer

Total = DCount("[ID]", "tblEnd", "[ID] =" & curID)
msgbox Total

Every time I try and put in an AND statement, to tell it to find all the
empty EndDate fields, it fails.

I think this will do that for you.

Total = DCount("*", "tblEnd", "[ID] =" & curID _
& " And EndDate Is Null")

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