I am on a diet and would like to make a spreadsheet to help track my
progress. I weigh in every morning and I now have about one month’s worth of
data, so I am anxious to get started – the problem is that I know almost
nothing about Excel. I have bought a book, Show Me, which hasn’t helped me
More specifically I have a year-long plan. (Yes, I got that column figured
out – and I can live with 30-day months) So, I have a beginning number
(weight on January 1) and an end number (goal weight for December 30) I plan
to enter my weight each day and would like to have the spreadsheet calculate
how I am doing (the number of pounds, + or -, [above or below] the predicted
weight that I should be at on that day – assuming a linear weight loss of 60
lbs from the first day to the last day - 360 days later) OK, so I am
compulsive, but it’s working! I lost over 10 pounds already. Put on a pound
or two and it shows up right away.
I have messed with the Graph Wizard and even trend lines – I love this
program, but I need a jump start. Any sympathetic gurus out there?
progress. I weigh in every morning and I now have about one month’s worth of
data, so I am anxious to get started – the problem is that I know almost
nothing about Excel. I have bought a book, Show Me, which hasn’t helped me
More specifically I have a year-long plan. (Yes, I got that column figured
out – and I can live with 30-day months) So, I have a beginning number
(weight on January 1) and an end number (goal weight for December 30) I plan
to enter my weight each day and would like to have the spreadsheet calculate
how I am doing (the number of pounds, + or -, [above or below] the predicted
weight that I should be at on that day – assuming a linear weight loss of 60
lbs from the first day to the last day - 360 days later) OK, so I am
compulsive, but it’s working! I lost over 10 pounds already. Put on a pound
or two and it shows up right away.
I have messed with the Graph Wizard and even trend lines – I love this
program, but I need a jump start. Any sympathetic gurus out there?