Here's how I make files available for downloading from my website.
Say you have a recipe for Biscotti Cookies you want to share with the
visitors of your website.
On the website server create a folder, i.e., downloads
Give the recipe file the name, biscotti.pdf (if the file isn't in pdf
format, make it a pdf file)
Upload biscotti.pdf into the downloads folder.
Now edit your website by adding a phrase or an image or both. (Maybe an
image of some Biscotti Cookies)
Put the phrase, To get the recipe for MaMa Ravioli's Old Country Biscotti
Cookies, click here.
With the mouse, gather the word here
Now select Insert, Hyperlink
In the box put
Save your website, upload the new files to the server.
Now visit your website and you will notice the word here is underlined
indicating it is a link. Click on here and your recipe will popup on the
screen which you or any visitor can save to their computer.
Note: There is a new version 4 of primo.pdf now available at