Help with DSUM syntax in a Textbox



Using Office 2003 and Windows XP;

I'm trying to enter a DSUM formula into the Control Source of a text box on
a form; but I am entering it wrong and it doesn't produce any value at all;
I'm sure it's just a syntax error on my part. Here is what I have:

=DSum("[ACTUAL_HC]","[tblHeadCounts]","[DEPT1]=cboMainDept1.Value AND
[DEPT2]=cboMainDept2.Value AND [EMP_STATUS_ORIG] ='REG-FT'")

cboMainDept1 = a combobox on the current form;
cboMainDept2 = a combobox on the current form;
EMP_STATUS_ORIG = a column name in the table tblHeadCounts

Could someone please help me out in correcting my syntax? Thanks much in


you need to take the control references out of the quoted string in your
condition and delimit them if they are text or dates...

=DSum("[ACTUAL_HC]","[tblHeadCounts]","[DEPT1]= '" & cboMainDept1 & "'
AND [DEPT2]= '" & cboMainDept2 & "' AND [EMP_STATUS_ORIG] ='REG-FT'")

I have assumed that Dept1 and Dept2 are both text

btw, it appears that your database is not normalized. Whenever I see
fieldnames with a number after them, I suspect this.

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