Help with Excel ActiveX listbox controls




I’m trying to create listboxes that displays data from a named range
spanning multiple columns. I am able to populate the listbox with data
and use it without any problems. However, if the sheet that contains
the listboxes changes, the size/dimensions of the listbox unexpectedly
also changes. Since I have not written any procedures that control the
height/width properties of the listboxes, I cannot determine why the
dimensions of the listboxes are changing.

I have attached a spreadsheet that illustrates this problem. When you
open the spreadsheet, you should see two listboxes named ListBox1 and
ListBox2, which refer to the “A” dynamic named (G1:H6) range and “AA”
dynamic named range ((J1:K6) respectively. Now, if you make any type of
change anywhere on the worksheet (e.g. enter any value in cell C1), the
dimensions of Listbox2 changes but not the dimensions of Listbox1.

By the way, the problem does not seem to be related to named ranges:
the error occurs even if you set the ListFillRange to a fixed cell

Thanks for your help.


|Filename: listbox |
|Download: |

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