I have created pivot tables for monthly sales figures, however i want t
create a formula that will insert the figure for jan and consecutiv
months in the month boxes on sheet 6 for each country and so on. The
I want to be able to create a formula to how well each country eac
performing month on month against there individual targets as
percentage and as a figure.
Can anyone help please
Attachment filename: pots update weekending (temp).xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=42190
create a formula that will insert the figure for jan and consecutiv
months in the month boxes on sheet 6 for each country and so on. The
I want to be able to create a formula to how well each country eac
performing month on month against there individual targets as
percentage and as a figure.
Can anyone help please
Attachment filename: pots update weekending (temp).xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=42190