help with excel



I am new here so please excuse any mistakes in this posting

I wonder if anyone out there can help me with an Excel problem i a

i want Excel to calculate a commission based on the followin
information the these columns:

gross sales
less expenses
net profit
% of profit


the first part is easy and i can handle that...its the calculation o
the commission that is giving me problems. The calculation o
commissions is as follows:

if the percentage of profit is 20% then that is the commission amoun
eg: 20% of the net profit

if the percentage of profit is less than 20% then the commission amoun
is whatever that figure is: eg 19.8% times the net profit

if the percentage of profit is more than 20% then the commission amoun
is 20% of the net profit. eg: percentage of profit is 21.3% then th
commission is 20% of the net profit...

if there is a loss (net profit greater than the sales) then th
commission should reflect a negative percentage and therefore b
deducted from any commissions due

i think that covers all the possibilities

Thanks in advance for any help you can give with this

Bert Hayfor

Duke Carey

bj -

=min(prof percent,.2)*netprofit

That will result in a positive commission for negative profits


=if(prof percent >.2,.2,abs(prof percent))*net profit

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