help with File location, organization and sharing info with onenote mobile



On my desktop (Vista) I have located my synced notebook at
"C:\users\ray\documents\OneNote Notebooks\Test notebook" but would like to
find some resources as to why it refers to it as "test notebook" when I
changed the display name to "Ray's". Can I just rename it in explorer?
I am also interested in why it only syncs with one section on my Windows
mobile phone 5 (PPC6700) and names the pages within that section page 001,
page 002, page 003, etc. when I create "note containers" of input within a
single page.
Anyone know of helpful resources specific to the interaction and interface
with Windows Mobile?
I am sure that someone has probably figured all this out but I can't seem to
find it anywhere.
Thanks for any help,

Rainald Taesler

Ray said:
On my desktop (Vista) I have located my synced notebook at
"C:\users\ray\documents\OneNote Notebooks\Test notebook" but would
like to find some resources as to why it refers to it as "test
notebook" when I changed the display name to "Ray's". Can I just
rename it in explorer?

Yes, changing the name inside ON does not change the file name.
The bane-change is only valid as long as the file is open. When closing
and re-opening it the *old* name appears again.

To male the name-change persistent, just change the bane if the
notebook-file in the explorer.
I am also interested in why it only syncs with one section on my
Windows mobile phone 5 (PPC6700) and names the pages within that
section page 001, page 002, page 003, etc. when I create "note
containers" of input within a single page.

The abilities of OneNote Mobile are rather limited.
So ON Mobile is unable to work with more than just one container on a
Each additional container is synched to a new page.

Therefore I changed my way of working with pages to be shared with my
I just do not create multiple containers in a page to be synched with
the PDA.
Anyone know of helpful resources specific to the interaction and
interface with Windows Mobile?
I am sure that someone has probably figured all this out but I
can't seem to find it anywhere.

Unfortunately there are hardly any resources for ON Mobile. There are
some articles in some of the Blogs (scattered around as is usual in this
"brave new world" of blogging {siiiiigh}).
Unfortunately I do not have proper references at hand (although I
*should* have such things in my ON-notebooks {grin, siiiiigh}). An old

I'd suggest to go to Daniel Escapa's blog
and search there.

P.S. There is a fine PowerToy which I found to be very helpful for
working with ON Mobile:
Send To OneNote Mobile (also called "Copy to Device)
Don't miss that

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