help with filling records



Hi all, to questions, PLEASE HELP!!!:

Q1- Suppose I have form with the following three fields (drop-dow

State -- City -- Population

Is the "State" field, I have all the US states, and in the other fiel
all the US cities. Now, the question is, how can I filter the dropdow
control (in the form) for the "City" field based on wich state
selected in the other box, to look only for cities in the specifie
state?? If no State is selected, all the US cities are shown. If th
Virginia state is selected, when I click in the City box, I should se
only the cities in Virginia, The city fields only has the city name
there is no reference to a state in the "City" field (so, no filterin
is possible using the cities names).

Q2- Now, suppose the previous form (Form1) is now part of another for
(Form2), so I can select various "state-city-population" rows. Then
when Im finished, I would like to press a button in Form2, and a tex
box also in Form2) will be filled with the population sum of all th
cities I selected before (in Form1). The question is, how can I perfor
that sum ,and put it in a text box??? Obviously, the number of rows ca
be different every time...

PLease help, any kind of help is welcome, including VBA, macros

Best regards.

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