Help with Forms Feeding Into Table - thx



Trying to select from a list in a Combo Box in a form
(built from a small table) and, based on that selection,
automatically populate another box in the form AND have
the data in both boxes feedback to a main database
table. Thanks!


Trying to select from a list in a Combo Box in a form
(built from a small table) and, based on that selection,
automatically populate another box in the form AND have
the data in both boxes feedback to a main database
table. Thanks!

The free downloadable sample database at uses the
query by form concept so that on the invoices dialog one can optionally choose
a rep, a customer, and perhaps a date range, click on a button that says
"Input," and then have the invoice form open up showing all the invoices that
match the criteria.

And the Customer combo box on the search form is based on what was entered in
the Rep combo box above it.

And here is how the query by form concept can work.

On the invoices dialog there are the following controls:
InvDateMin with DefaultValue of =DateSerial(Year(Date())-1,1,1)
InvDateMax with DefaultValue of =Date()
InvRepNum with DefaultValue of *
InvCustNum with DefaultValue of *

Also on the invoices dialog there is a command button called cmdInput to open
the invoices form with the following code behind the OnClick property:
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmInv"

And of course there could be a button to open a report the same way:
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptInv", acViewPreview

The invoices form (frmInv) has RecordSource property of qryInv.

And the qryInv query's criteria for the InvDate field has:
Between [Forms]![frmInvDialog]![InvDateMin] And

And the qryInv query's criteria for the RepNum field has:
Like [Forms]![frmInvDialog]![InvRepNum]

And the qryInv query's criteria for the CustNum field has:
Like [Forms]![frmInvDialog]![CustNum]

One related point is that you probably wouldn't want to allow blanks (i.e.
Nulls) in fields that are going to be used with Like in any criteria for that
field. Otherwise the blanks wouldn't be shown.

For example (based on what is entered into a last name search field):

Like 'Smith' would show Smith records

Like '' would show no records (probably not what one would want)

Like '*' would show all records

And to counter that I like to have the search fields have a DefaultValue of *
and not allow the search fields to be blank.

Or a more complicated solution would be to create the query's SQL statement
dynamically so that the criteria on a particular field isn't used unless

For example:

' Set strSQL.
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE (1=1)"
If Not IsNull(Rep) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND (Rep='" & Rep & "')"
End If
If Not IsNull(Customer) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND (Customer='" & Customer & "')"
End If

Best regards,
J. Paul Schmidt, Freelance Access and ASP Developer - Sample Access Database - Web Database Demo

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