Help with formula/function




I hope I'm posting this with the correct group.

I have a Excel workbook that contains 40+ worksheets. These sheets
represent different individual accounts. The worksheets contain rows
that are numbered by day. In each row, I have three values that I need
to track. At the end of the month, these values are all summed

The problem I have is that I receive a summary spreadsheet each morning
that lists the three data values for each account for the previous day.
(September 27th's numbers would be generated the morning of September
28th.) The summary sheet goes something like this:

Acct A: 35, 40, 17
Acct B: 12, 44, 55
Acct C: 13, 22, 44
Etc., etc.

Then each individual account has their own worksheet/tab that looks
something like this:

(Acct A's worksheet):
1 (represents the day of the month): 33, 22, 16 (these represent the
three data values)
2(represents the day of the month): 12, 88, 99 (these represent the
three data values)
and so on until the current date:
27: 35, 40, 17 (which are the same data values referenced above in the
summary sheet dated 09/28/2006).

I created a tab at the beginning of the workbook labeled "Daily Paste
Sheet". My thoughts were that I could take my daily summary sheet and
paste it here. Then, on tab 2, I have created a tab labeled "Daily
Conversion Sheet". On this sheet, I extract only the account name and
the three data values that I need (I do so via a LOOKUP formula to
"Daily Paste Sheet". I need to then able to take each day's data and
extract it to the proper row on each accounts worksheet. How can I
accomplish this best? Is there a formula that could be utilized, or
would it require some sort of macro that would drop down a row each
time the spreadsheet is opened? I'm lost on what to do next. Any help
would be greatly appreciated!

Thanx in advance,


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