New job and I need to make a formula for a calculation I do several times a
day I am getting very bored with using a calculator first then typing the
result into my spreadsheet. No one else at work needs to do this or knows
how to do it better.
I start with an amount which is always over $50,000.00 (and up to
It needs to be rounded up to the next thousand such as $456,789.89 to
$457,000 (roundup,-3)
then made into thousands (457)
then multiplied by $14.00 per thousand (457 x 14)
then the result added to $358.00
I can make excel do each part but when I put them together, chaos
thanks for any help you can offer
day I am getting very bored with using a calculator first then typing the
result into my spreadsheet. No one else at work needs to do this or knows
how to do it better.
I start with an amount which is always over $50,000.00 (and up to
It needs to be rounded up to the next thousand such as $456,789.89 to
$457,000 (roundup,-3)
then made into thousands (457)
then multiplied by $14.00 per thousand (457 x 14)
then the result added to $358.00
I can make excel do each part but when I put them together, chaos
thanks for any help you can offer