Help with formula



I am currently using the following formulas to pull the #1 - #5 most common
occurances from a range. Now I need to do the same thing, but I need it to
compare the results to another column before returning the results.



Right now these formulas return the result off one range, but I need it to
return the same result but after comparing it too a second range (i.e.
Terms!$N2:$N65500<90). I just can't figure out how to add it to this equation
to make it work.

Using Excel 2003

Thanks in advance!

T. Valko

Just add another IF:


Or, you could multiply the 2 arrays together like this:


Note that if any cells in Terms!$N2:$N65500 are empty they will evaluate to
be <90. Which means you might have to add another array:


Follow the same syntax for the second formula but *make sure* the range refs
are all the same size.

Since you're referencing such a large range *expect* this to be slow!

John well, but I'm having one issue. It seems to skip over results
in the list that have the same number of occurances. Example:

Violations - 20**
Failed Training - 15
Job Abandonment - 15
Another Job - 11
Personal Reasons - 8
Dissatisifed - 6
** Represents the # of times this occurs in the list.

When I use this equation...


It reports:

Failed Training
Another Job
Personal Reasons

It skips over "Job Abandonment" because the count is the same. Any ideas?

Thanks Again!

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