Help with formula



I'm new here, can anyone please help me lay this formula out in an
excel spreadsheet. Trying to figure out the minutes. Say A1 has 0.4,
B1 has 720(The rule of 720), C1 has 12 (asf) D1 has the total surface
area lets say 3 feet ( this will always be different). What would be
the end result in minutes?

While hardcoat (Type III) finishes are generally processed using 24-40
asf (2.6-4.3 asd), Type II, clear or dyed "commercial" and decorative
parts are usually processed using 10-18 asf (1.1-1.9 asd). Obviously,
the load must be sized for the rectifier capacity. For example, if you
have a 5,000-A, 24-V rectifier and you want to anodize at 12 asf to
achieve 0.35-0.40 mils (8.75-10 pm) coating thickness, or any coating
thickness, the following formulas may be used to calculate the
required anodizing time:

Minutes to anodize = mils of coating desired x 720/ Amps per square

Minutes = 0.4 x 720 = 24/12

Thanks so much in advance!

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