Help with Formulas Please



I have never asked a question here before so I hope I phrase everything
correctly. I have created a teacher grade workbook.

I can’t seem to get my formula in cell B3 to update when I ad a column to
include additional test score. B3 is my counter used when I average the sum
of the test scores. (see below) If I insert a column K the counter does not
update. Why? What formula should I be using?


When I average a cell I use the following formula which does not update
either when I insert a column to add another test score. J3 should read K3
when I insert a column. What formula should I be using?


Here is the formula I use when I want to see a letter grade for the
averages. When I insert a column the reference K3 should read L3 (this is the
column I have my averages of all the tests showing). How do I get the formula
to update? Is there a better formula I should be using?



Barb Reinhardt

If you add a column in the middle of the range you are using, it will update.
If it's outside of the range, it won't. You *may* need to use a dynamic
range for this. I have several questions:

Does the left bound of the range always start at the same place.
Is there anything in the workbook to the right of the right bound?

Let us know.

Barb Reinhardt



If I understand your question correctly, yes the left 'bound' always starts
in the same place, column C (test 1).

Yes, there are 2 columns to the right of the right 'bound' or the last test
grade added. The two (2) columns have a) the number average and b) the letter


I am not sure of the protocol here but no one has answered my questions.

Can someone please help?

Peo Sjoblom


however if you insert a column to the left of the last cell (assume you used
C3:J3, if you select column J and do insert>columns) it will update but
obviously not if you do it to the right

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