Help with formulas - urgent



I am trying to create a table whereby all companies are given a
rating/position according to the points scored, against a set of
criteria given - ratings of which can be anything between one and ten.

Ten being the highest.
The maximum score is obviously 80 (eight categories)

The rating put in will be manual but I need a formula that will
calculate the amount and then look at the highest score and then
provide a position number. i.e scores given to individual companies
are 80,64,23,10,46.
so what I want the formula to do is give a 1 for 80, 2, for 64, 3 for
46, 4 for 23 and 5 for 10.

I have enclosed a simple spreadsheet in hope that someone can help with
the formula.
Thanks a quick response will be welcomed.

Attachment filename: problem.xls
Download attachment:

Frank Kabel


you can use the function RANK. In your exmaple spreadsheet enter the
following in cell E17:
copy this for the entire row


Earl Kiosterud


Another possibility is to sort the table in descending order on the score
column. If you haven't used Excel's sort before, be careful. Don't select
just a column!

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