M. Kol
BlankI am using FrontPage 2000, and I have two (2) qustions. My WebSite provider supplies FrontPage Extensions. Unfortunately, my website provider's technical help is not so great.
Help from anybody will be greatly appeiciated. Here are my questions:
1. FrontPage generated code for hit Counter as shown
<div align="center" style="width: 195; height: 103">
<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" u-custom i-digits="6"
i-image="2" PREVIEW="<strong>[Hit Counter]</strong>"
i-resetvalue="100" startspan --><img src="_vti_bin/fpcount.exe/C:/QstarDWebpage2/?Page=index.html|Image=2|Digits=6" alt="Hit Counter"><!--webbot bot="HitCounter" endspan i-checksum="27981" -->
<div align="center">
It works fine but each time I re-load the file, my Hit Counter Sets itself to 1. Even if I set 'resetvalue="100" as shown above. Is it something I am doing wrong or something to do with FrontPage Extensions?
2.Here is the 'Contact' Form code that does not work; I really do not know exactly what I need todo to make this form work ! I am not getting much help from 'Technical Support' so please would someone help me out ?
<form ACTION="https://secure.ipowerweb.com/cgi-bin/site_toolbox_v2/formhandler.cgi" METHOD="POST">
<!--mstheme--></font><table style="border-collapse: collapse" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="96" height="30"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">Name :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<input name="Name" value size="25"><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td height="30" width="96"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">E-mail :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<input name="Title" value size="25"><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td height="30" width="96"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">Address :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<input name="Company" value size="25"><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td height="30" width="96"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">Phone :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<input name="Address" value size="25"><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td width="96" valign="top"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">Comments :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<textarea rows="7" name="S1" cols="25"></textarea><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica"><br><input type="submit" value=" Submit ">
<input type="reset" value=" Reset "><!--mstheme--></font></td>
Thank You,
M. Kol
Help from anybody will be greatly appeiciated. Here are my questions:
1. FrontPage generated code for hit Counter as shown
<div align="center" style="width: 195; height: 103">
<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" u-custom i-digits="6"
i-image="2" PREVIEW="<strong>[Hit Counter]</strong>"
i-resetvalue="100" startspan --><img src="_vti_bin/fpcount.exe/C:/QstarDWebpage2/?Page=index.html|Image=2|Digits=6" alt="Hit Counter"><!--webbot bot="HitCounter" endspan i-checksum="27981" -->
<div align="center">
It works fine but each time I re-load the file, my Hit Counter Sets itself to 1. Even if I set 'resetvalue="100" as shown above. Is it something I am doing wrong or something to do with FrontPage Extensions?
2.Here is the 'Contact' Form code that does not work; I really do not know exactly what I need todo to make this form work ! I am not getting much help from 'Technical Support' so please would someone help me out ?
<form ACTION="https://secure.ipowerweb.com/cgi-bin/site_toolbox_v2/formhandler.cgi" METHOD="POST">
<!--mstheme--></font><table style="border-collapse: collapse" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="96" height="30"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">Name :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<input name="Name" value size="25"><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td height="30" width="96"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">E-mail :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<input name="Title" value size="25"><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td height="30" width="96"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">Address :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<input name="Company" value size="25"><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td height="30" width="96"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">Phone :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<input name="Address" value size="25"><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td width="96" valign="top"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<b><font size="1" face="Verdana">Comments :</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica">
<textarea rows="7" name="S1" cols="25"></textarea><!--mstheme--></font></td>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, Arial, Helvetica"><br><input type="submit" value=" Submit ">
<input type="reset" value=" Reset "><!--mstheme--></font></td>
Thank You,
M. Kol