Help with Hyperlinks in Word 2007


Mark Vines


I need some serious help with hyperlinks within Word 2007. Everytime I type
in a website or email address and press enter I get this prompt:

{ HYPERLINK 'mailto: (e-mail address removed)' }

It use to underline the address and turn it into a link. I am not sure why
this has changed but cannot figure it out on my own. PLEASE HELP!

Thanks in advance!

Jay Freedman

Mark said:

I need some serious help with hyperlinks within Word 2007. Everytime
I type in a website or email address and press enter I get this

{ HYPERLINK 'mailto: (e-mail address removed)' }

It use to underline the address and turn it into a link. I am not
sure why this has changed but cannot figure it out on my own. PLEASE

Thanks in advance!

That isn't a prompt. It's the field code for the hyperlink. Press Alt+F9 to
toggle to the field result, which is what you expect to see.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Mark Vines


Thanks for the help. That worked kind of. Is there a way to do that for
every word document in 2007? When I click on ALT + F9 it takes away the link
function of what I am typing. I would still like to be able to CTRL + Click

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Toggling the display from field codes to field results should not unlink the
hyperlink; you should still be able to Ctrl+click on it to follow the link.
Alt+F9 doesn't do anything (very) different from the Toggle Field Code
command on the shortcut menu.

Jay Freedman

Hi Mark,

The keystroke Alt+F9 is a toggle, meaning that each time you press it, the
display goes from showing field codes to showing the results of the field.
The field codes for hyperlinks look like {HYPERLINK something}, while the
results are underlined and act as hyperlinks. At the same time, all other
fields also toggle; for instance, page numbers go from the code {PAGE} to
the actual page number, date fields change back and forth, and so on.

The keystroke is actually a shortcut for going into the Word Options dialog,
clicking the Advanced tab, and checking or unchecking the box for "Show
field codes instead of their values" in the Show Document Content section.

When field codes are shown, they're shown for all documents--both those that
are currently open, and any you open later, even after closing down and
reopening Word. In other words, it's a setting of the program, not of any
particular document, and it isn't saved in any document file (the setting is
stored in the Windows registry).


Hi Mark,

The keystroke Alt+F9 is a toggle, meaning that each time you press it, the
display goes from showing field codes to showing the results of the field.
The field codes for hyperlinks look like {HYPERLINK something}, while the
results are underlined and act as hyperlinks. At the same time, all other
fields also toggle; for instance, page numbers go from the code {PAGE} to
the actual page number, date fields change back and forth, and so on.

The keystroke is actually a shortcut for going into the Word Options dialog,
clicking the Advanced tab, and checking or unchecking the box for "Show
field codes instead of their values" in the Show Document Content section.

When field codes are shown, they're shown for all documents--both those that
are currently open, and any you open later, even after closing down and
reopening Word. In other words, it's a setting of the program, not of any
particular document, and it isn't saved in any document file (the setting is
stored in the Windows registry).

Mr. Freedman
(Thank you for your replies to this thread. I am new to Word and am
converting about 20,000 files from WordPerfect to Word. I was
composing a post regarding this field codes display issue when I
subscribed to this forum and found you information.)

You say, When field codes are shown, they're shown for all
documents--both those that are currently open, and any you open

While that make sense to me, that does not concur with my experience.
Most of the documents in which I create hyperlinks display as expected
(underlined, blue text). Then, occasionally, one will reveal the field
codes while the next document in which links are created will again be
the underlined, blue text. I don't understand the inconsistency.

Again, my sincere thanks for your help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Individual field codes can be toggled with Shift+F9, and some could exist in
a document that otherwise had them displaying correctly.

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