your formula worked fine, thanks. however I think I may have
to try something else as i have 6 possible variables for E7
and 12 for a7. a7 will be between 1,2,3,4,5,or 6 if c13 is
less than 21 and will be either 7,8,9,10,11 or 12 if c13 is
similar numbers. Sorry I didnt give enough information but
I wasnt too sure what sort of formula I should be looking
for to start with.
I am sure we can help you, if you wish. But you will need to be
specific and complete in specifying your requirements.
For example, "or six similar numbers" is too vague to work with --
unless you mean that you will fill in those numbers later.
Also, you speak of "c13 is less than 21" and "c13 is >21", which does
not cover C13=21. And it does not cover C13="", as you did in your
initial posting.
I think you are saying:
1. A7 should be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when E7 is 0.1, 0.2, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1,
2.2 respectively and C13<=21.
NOTE: I use <=21 here because previously you said "between 1 and 21",
which I interpreted as inclusive.
2. A7 should be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 when E7 is 0.1, 0.2, 1.2, 1.4,
2.1, 2.2 respectively and C13>21.
3. What should A7 be when C13 appears blank? Previously, you said 7
when E7 is 0.1. Do you mean 7 thru 12 depending on E7 as per in #2?
4. Can E7 be anything but one of those six numbers (or some set of six
numbers)? In particular, can E7 appear blank? If so, what should A7
be in that case?
Perhaps the following does what you want in A7: