help with interpolation and limit of interpolation



2 questions for the ng

1) I've got 2 series of values in column A and B. I use a function to
interpolate the series for a certain value in C1 (that refers to data in
column B)


now, how can I define the interval of interpolation as A1:"Amax" ? In other
terms, I just want to limit the interpolation to values between A1 and

2) With the same values in columns A and B I have to do another
interpolation for value D1 (refers to data in column B) with this

for example: D1 is a value between B56 and B57 ->do the interpolation
seeking in A56 and A57 values
D1 is a value between B40 and B41 ->do the interpolation
seeking in A40 and A41 values
D1 is a value between B96 and B97 ->do the interpolation
seeking in A96 and A97 values

Hope some1 help me...I'm struggling with tons of numbers...

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