help with league schedule formulas



I do all the league sheets for a racquetball league.

I have formulas and procedures to accommodate our leagues until now....

We lost a couple courts....

The facts are:
1. the league runs one day a week.
2. we now have 21 players (players without a match get a "BYE")
3. we now have just 8 courts. each week additional players will need to have
a "BYE" if a court is not available
4. all players must play each other player once.

My old formula and procedure follows.
If odd number of players
1st match (top left cell) is = number of players ( D6 on my sheets )
formula for all other cells in 1st row is:

formula for all other cells is:

except last match for player 2 cell = number of players
*********to here*****************
I have attached a copy of the excel spreadsheet for 21 players - unlimited

I need a formula or procedure that will provide multiple "BYE"s each week
due to shortage of courts and schedule those matches later....

Thanks for any help provided....

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