I have a field named CoursesLstID. With the following
properties set:
ColumnCount = 3
ColumnWidths = 0;4.9;0 (cm)
RowSourceType = Table/Query
RowSource = Select tblCoursesLst.CoursesLstID,
tblCoursesLst.CourseName, tblCoursesLst.CourseID From
tblCoursesLst Where tblCourseLst.CourseID = [Forms]!
BoundColumn = 1
This control displays all the Courses (CourseName)
depending on another field (JobFunction) this works fine.
But I also want to make this control "flexible". There are
courses recommended and requiered depending on the
person's job function but this doesn't mean that the user
can't fill in other courses(not listed). so I want the
Limit To List field to be No.
When I tried to do this, with BoundColumn = 1:
"Personnel Information Database can't set the Limit To
List property to No right now. The First visible column,
which is determined by the Column widths property, isn't
equal to the bound column. Adjust the ColumnWidths
property First and then set the LimitToList property"
If I change the BoundColumn value I get a type error
any ideas?
I have a field named CoursesLstID. With the following
properties set:
ColumnCount = 3
ColumnWidths = 0;4.9;0 (cm)
RowSourceType = Table/Query
RowSource = Select tblCoursesLst.CoursesLstID,
tblCoursesLst.CourseName, tblCoursesLst.CourseID From
tblCoursesLst Where tblCourseLst.CourseID = [Forms]!
BoundColumn = 1
This control displays all the Courses (CourseName)
depending on another field (JobFunction) this works fine.
But I also want to make this control "flexible". There are
courses recommended and requiered depending on the
person's job function but this doesn't mean that the user
can't fill in other courses(not listed). so I want the
Limit To List field to be No.
When I tried to do this, with BoundColumn = 1:
"Personnel Information Database can't set the Limit To
List property to No right now. The First visible column,
which is determined by the Column widths property, isn't
equal to the bound column. Adjust the ColumnWidths
property First and then set the LimitToList property"
If I change the BoundColumn value I get a type error
any ideas?