Help with linking columns of multiple sheets



Version: 2004 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel I am clueless when it comes to Excel and only use it once a year for taxes, because my accountant likes it.

Anyway I add in all my expenses on a monthly basis and treat it as a worksheet (i use the Sum function to total things like postage, miles, software, etc). I want to have a final worksheet that shows all 12 months of 2009 (the totals of each spreadsheets and I want to be able to sum a total of any category like postage or mileage in a yearly total. I am able to cut and paste the totals of each month into the final year end worksheet, but when I try to sum the totals of all 12 months, I get a really goofy figure. I assume the sum function has been pasted in with all the data from each individual monthly worksheet. Anyway, I can add my rows manually, but I am bad at using a calculator. is there a function in which I can take the totals of individual worksheets and bring them into a global "totaled: worksheet with all that data "summed" for the end of the year. I hope I am asking my question correctly.


John McGhie

Never "assume" in Excel, you get into too much trouble :)

Click in the cell where the total appears, and LOOK in the Formula Bar to
see what formula appears there :) If the Formula Bar is not displayed, go
to the View menu and turn it on.

Unless you can look to see what formulas you have in your cells, it's not
safe for us to help you any further, because we have no way to see what is

If you copy a cell, then go to the destination and RIGHT-click, you will see
the "Paste Special" menu item. Choose that and you will be offered "Paste
Link". That pastes a formula that copies the entry from the source cell,
and that's what you should be using here, so when you add new entries they
show up in your annual sheet.

We would be delighted to help you with all of this in here, but there's
quite a lot of learning involved if you are a "once a year" user.

Far better, I suggest, to send simply the raw data spreadsheet to your
accountant. If he likes Excel, he can get what he needs from that in a few
seconds. So could you, if you knew how, but it might take you several days
or weeks to learn how. What are you paying the man for? :)

Hope this helps

Version: 2004 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel
I am clueless when it comes to Excel and only use it once a year for taxes,
because my accountant likes it.

Anyway I add in all my expenses on a monthly basis and treat it as a worksheet
(i use the Sum function to total things like postage, miles, software, etc). I
want to have a final worksheet that shows all 12 months of 2009 (the totals of
each spreadsheets and I want to be able to sum a total of any category like
postage or mileage in a yearly total. I am able to cut and paste the totals of
each month into the final year end worksheet, but when I try to sum the totals
of all 12 months, I get a really goofy figure. I assume the sum function has
been pasted in with all the data from each individual monthly worksheet.
Anyway, I can add my rows manually, but I am bad at using a calculator. is
there a function in which I can take the totals of individual worksheets and
bring them into a global "totaled: worksheet with all that data "summed" for
the end of the year. I hope I am asking my question correctly.


This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!


Thanks John. I actually pay less, because I have everything neat and tidy in a spreadsheet. Most people turn in a box of receipts. I will probably just go the cut and paste route and add with a calculator. I have the weekend to do this. I was just trying to get ahead of the 8 ball. You know, I would love to learn XL, but I am a cinematographer and editor. I can do complicated things, I just don't like long stings of numbers. I will mess up. I will never be a line producer.



BTW, here is my basic formula =SUM(B1:E1) etc. I just highlight on my first number and drag to my last number.....while all cells in between are highlighted and press the sigma button. There is my sum.

John McGhie

Yeah, I'm with you... Numbers should be left to those people who like that
sort of thing...

OK, where you have =SUM(B1:E1), copy that.

Click where you want the subtotal and choose Edit>Paste Special> "Paste as

Do that for each one. Then at the bottom of the column, put another =SUM
statement to add up the totals.

You may also like to play around with a PivotTable. These are
purpose-designed for what you are trying to do.

Have a look at this:


Thanks John. I actually pay less, because I have everything neat and tidy in a
spreadsheet. Most people turn in a box of receipts. I will probably just go
the cut and paste route and add with a calculator. I have the weekend to do
this. I was just trying to get ahead of the 8 ball. You know, I would love to
learn XL, but I am a cinematographer and editor. I can do complicated things,
I just don't like long stings of numbers. I will mess up. I will never be a
line producer.


This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!

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