Help with macaro for non breaking space



I have a document which has data like 5 hours, 4 months,
4.5 mg etc., kind of data. I would like to create a macro
where one clicks the button and it puts non breaking space
between digit and the unit. Any help!!


Jay Freedman

Hi, B,

You can do this without a macro, or you can record a macro for the
convenience of being able to repeat it easily.

The idea is to do a wildcard Replace as discussed at For the job at hand,
click the More button and check the Use Wildcards box. Then fill the Find
What box with

([0-9]) ([a-zA-Z])

[with a regular space between the first right parenthesis and the second
left parenthesis]. Fill the Replace With box with

\1 \2

[with a nonbreaking space -- entered by pressing Ctrl+Shift+spacebar --
between the 1 and the following backslash]. Click the Replace All button.

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