Help with Macro



I have a worksheet set up, along with a macro. It changes the value of
column G, but only if column T does not contain the letter "N". If column T
DOES contain the letter "N", then column G is unchanged

The code below only works if the letter N is uppercase. I want to change to
code to look for both uppercase and lower case "N".

If .Cells(X, "G").Value > 0 And .Cells(X, "G").Value < 0.1458333 And
..Cells(X, "T") <> "N" Then .Cells(X, "G").Value = "3:30"


richzip said:
I have a worksheet set up, along with a macro. It changes the value of
column G, but only if column T does not contain the letter "N". If column T
DOES contain the letter "N", then column G is unchanged

The code below only works if the letter N is uppercase. I want to change to
code to look for both uppercase and lower case "N".

Add UCASE():

If .Cells(X, "G").Value > 0 And .Cells(X, "G").Value < 0.1458333 And
UCASE(.Cells(X, "T")) <> "N" Then .Cells(X, "G").Value = "3:30"

change this ...Cells(X, "T") <> "N".... to ...UCase(.Cells(X, "T")) <>
"N" ...
this will convert .Cells(X, "T") 's value to upper case before
conducting the test <> "N". So it will always be comparing an upper
case value to the (upper case) "N".
The complimentary function is LCase() which converts a string to its
lower case version.
Hope this helps.


If .Cells(X, "G").Value > 0 And .Cells(X, "G").Value < 0.1458333 _
And UCase(.Cells(X, "T")) <> "N" Then .Cells(X, "G").Value = "3:30"

Or you could use a worksheet function like this...
=IF(AND(G3> 0, G3 < 0.1458333,UPPER(T3<>"N")),"3:30","whatever ")

Dave Peterson

Another option is to tell excel that you want every text comparison in this
module to be non-case sensitive.

Add this at the top of your code:

Option Compare Text

I would use:

If .Cells(X, "G").Value > 0 _
And .Cells(X, "G").Value < 0.1458333 _
And .Cells(X, "T") <> "N" Then
with .Cells(X, "G")
.numberformat = "hh:mm:ss"
.Value = timeserial(3,30,0)
end with
end if

I think it removes any ambiguity (03:30:00 or 00:03:30 for the next person who
reads your code).

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