Help with Managing my web site



Few months ago. I developed a web site. with pub 2007.
My laptop has since crashed and no longer have the original pub files i have
tried to import the site but each time it is all over to one side and if i
attempt to just simply realign everything. It saves corrupt with missing
information. Any ideas suggestions would be greatly Apreciated.

Thanks in Advance

Mike Koewler


It won't help now but for the future:

Back up your Pub file to the web. With the fast Internet connects and
great ftp programs, there is simply not a reason to not do this. Having
it backed up to a removable media is okay, but what if a fire or
something similar happens. The web site wouldn't be the first concern
but it would not be trivial either. I back my files up about every other



Reference: Common Sense Computing 101 aka "Why in the world would you lose
your publisher file?" :

This also applies to Pub 2007. After reading a good discussion of how to
back up your files, at the end of the article is a method for rebuilding
your Publisher file from the html files. Its tedious, but it will work, and
of course as you go through it, you will be reminded to backup in the

Please don't misunderstand. I am not throwing stones, as I too live in a
glass house and have lost important files because I didn't get around to
backing up. I would imagine almost everyone has. Files go corrupt and hard
drives crash. I have found that I do keep a flash drive handy and backup
files every hour or so as I work on them, and before I eventually backup to
an external drive, and periodically burn DVDs. I also regularly burn images
with Acronis True Image, because I really hate to do reinstalls.

Sorry there isn't an easier method.



Thanks David I will give it a look and Yes you and Mike are both correct and,
going forward I will save the pub files in a safe place. And i did have good
intentions. Before of doing so. My old laptop died And i was not able to
retreive that info. dont put off today backing up what you will lose and need


Yeah, I know about good intentions. In fact I have been getting lazy, and
after reading your post I will be backing everything up this weekend. I
think a good rule of thumb might be to periodically ask yourself "how much
work would it involve to recreate this file if my computer crashed right
now? Could I even recreate it?" If its a couple hours, that's one thing. If
it is a website file that you perhaps spent weeks on...that is another


Mike Koewler


<gloat> WP has an option when uploading or updating a site to include
the WP document. It's easy to remember to do it! </gloat>



Yeah, yeah, plus I hear that eating peppers helps your memory too. <g>

I did give WP some props in the general newsgroup...


Mike Koewler


I read that - and was impressed. I really don't post here to promote a
competing product, unless a poster is looking for something that Pub
simply cannot do!

BTW, I don't eat the peppers or their juice (except for the Hungarian
Hot Wax, which really are barely above a Bell Pepper as far as heat).
But I have heard tales about what they can do.


Mr. joe

I am designing a website. For the home page, I need to make a login name and
a passwork for people to enter. Each person will have a different login and
password. How do I do this?

Mr. joe

hi mike, can you assist me with an issue? I am designing a website. For the
home page, I need to make a login name and
a passwork for people to enter. Each person will have a different login and
password. How do I do this?


I am not promoting anything. If people choose to use Publisher, I try to
help them. If there goals and expectations for the web site is beyond
Publisher, I am the first to suggest alternatives, and as far as I am
concerned Serif Web Plus is a great alternative. You have proven that to me.

<smile> I know you don't eat many of those peppers, but I still can't get
over growing things in a garden that requires gloves to handle. By the way,
do you throw away the gloves after the fact? I can just imagine forgetting
and using those gloves another day and wiping your forehead and the sweat
out of your eyes...ooooweeeee!



Mr. Joe,

Please one post is enough! Someone will answer if they have an answer. And
please don't add to thread that has nothing to do with your question.


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