Help with max() fonction



Hey, is there a way to set the max() function to find for like the
second bigger number in a list instead of the bigest one?

if not, is there a way to to put an "except" fonction while selecting
ex: H:H except(H85) or H:H\H85

This way I could do somehting like MAX(H:H except(H85(which would be
the bigest number in the column))
This function would then show me the second biffer number in H:H as I
rejected the H:85

hope you understand, please reply fast, thanks


Try this:



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Hey, is there a way to set the max() function to find for like the
second bigger number in a list instead of the bigest one?

if not, is there a way to to put an "except" fonction while selecting
ex: H:H except(H85) or H:H\H85

This way I could do somehting like MAX(H:H except(H85(which would be
the bigest number in the column))
This function would then show me the second biffer number in H:H as I
rejected the H:85

hope you understand, please reply fast, thanks

Ron Coderre

Perhaps the LARGE function:


The second arugment of the function is where you set which large value
you want. The example above returns the 2nd largest value in Col_H.

Does that help?


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