Though I agree with Doug in broad terms, if you already have mailmerge
documents set up it's more a question of
a. creating the data source you need
b. connecting the merge documents to the single data record you need and
performing the merge
b. automating the complete set of merges - you might for example either
process each document in a a particular folder or tree of folders, or
maintain a separate list and process that somehow.
c. paying some attention to saving your output documents, if you need to
save precisely what you produced (you need to do this whatever approach you
use if you are relying on machine-readable versions of documents for any
sort of legal purpose)
The problem with (a) is that if you already have merge main documents set up
to get their data from particular data sources, unless you make copies of
these documents and permanently each copy to the data source you need, each
time you use the mail merge main documents you will have to ensure that they
are connected to the correct data source for the purpose.
Peter Jamieson
FL Consultant said:
The last solution will not work. I see that maybe the initial question
not worded in a way that best described the problem. Your solution was
for a change of one field but when we need to change a document(s) that
many fields that need data updated your solution though it will work is
Let me state the problem again. We have lets say 5 (though the number is
much larger) different contracts that require the same piece of data
on each of them. This data may consist of a name, address, date, number
stores and other information. The information will be the same for each
contract. We would like to use mailmerge or some thing like mailmerge to
perform this task. Some way that will allow us to automate the process
be able to run it once when we need to update a contracts. The documents
(contracts) will be in a word format.