Help with "Missing" data element


Ed Thurber

Hey all:

Here is my scenario:

Comment [Group]
---XHTLM_Comment [Element, XHTML]
---Show [Attribute, Boolean]

The Comment group has been removed from the default from (it is added by the
user when they add through an Optional Section)

The user is able to Add the section and enter information in XHTML_Comment.

The problem is that a checkbox control that is bound to the Show attribute
is greyed out. It appears that the Show attribute is not being created.
Except that it is. I can open the resulting XML file in an editor and see
that the Attribute is there and populated with the default value.

Any ideas??

Thanks in advance

Ed Thurber


Hi,I suggest deleting the old checkbox, and drag the attribute field "Show"
into the view to create a new checkbox, this will refresh the binding, if
the old binding doesn't work.

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