Help with New Message Notification



I used to use Outlook Express and recently switched to Outlook. In OE, I had
it where a message would be marked as read after it was in the preview pane
for 2 seconds. However, if OE was minimized, it wouldn't be marked as read
until I clicked on the email. However, in Outlook, even if it is minimized,
it maks the message as read after two seconds. This is a problem becauase
after the message is marked as ready, the new message indicater in the tray
goes away. Therefore, if I don't notice the inidicator in the first two
seconds, I don't know that I have a new message. Thanks for the help.

K. Orland

Remove the "mark as read" option.
Tools > Options > Other > Preview Pane > uncheck the "mark as read..." box.

Or turn off Autopreview (View > Autopreview).

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