Private Sub cmdCBA_Click()
Dim ExcelSheet As Object
Set ExcelSheet = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelSheet.Workbooks.Add ("O:\Corporate Services\" _
& "Corporate Planning\Methodology and
Processes\" _
& "tplCBA.xlt")
MsgBox ExcelSheet.StartupPath
'Set ExcelSheet = Nothing
' Documents.Add Template:="O:\Corporate Services\" _
' & "Corporate Planning\Methodology and
Processes\" _
' & "tpl-Post Project Review.dot"
End Sub
Dim ExcelSheet As Object
Set ExcelSheet = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelSheet.Workbooks.Add ("O:\Corporate Services\" _
& "Corporate Planning\Methodology and
Processes\" _
& "tplCBA.xlt")
MsgBox ExcelSheet.StartupPath
'Set ExcelSheet = Nothing
' Documents.Add Template:="O:\Corporate Services\" _
' & "Corporate Planning\Methodology and
Processes\" _
' & "tpl-Post Project Review.dot"
End Sub