Help with Oraganization of Notes



I've been using ON for about 6 months now and loving "every minute" of it.
That may be part of my problem. I collect everything and rarely throw
anything away (like in my normal life).
When one begins to use a new software like ON one does not appreciate the
complexity but also the beauty of simplicity this program offers. And yes, I
watched the training videos, some twice, and read most of the tips offered
as well as visiting this NG almost daily. But still, I managed to mess up My
Notebook. I could see that continuing the way I started would render my data
unmanageable fairly soon. I think I must rebuild My Notebook.
So far I've managed to create 8 Sections, each with dozen or more pages and
subpages with long list of items therein.
I am retired so my interests are unrelated to a work environment, but use
categories like reading, woodworking, computer related (more that 6 hours a
day at the machine), house repairs, music, some gardening, politics, news,
planning projects like the forthcoming 6 weeks in Europe, planning things to
do in some of the categories, recording events and data related to my two
grandsons. I attemped to use Flags, but probably incorrectly for I ended up
with couple of Flags of same name as pages.
To cut this diatribe short(er) I am seeking help from people who managed to
organise ON better than I have. I realize it is a personal thing, but may be
there are some fundamental rules I have not grasped.
Thank you


I recently went through the same thing. I found it was helpful to start with
paper and pencil. Build folders, then sections then pages then subpages.
Wood Working would be a folder. Then you might have sections for projects,
tools, clippings, drawings, ideas, etc. Under Projects you would have a page
for each active project like "bookcase" then sub pages for the drawings,
supplies, sources, costs etc.

Hope this helps

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