I have office 2003 with windows xp. I d/l office 2007 beta. all worked fine
for a time..then I d/l vista this weekend. everything works but outlook
2007. I tried to re install it and wont install outlook all over says its
not in there. tried to re d/l outlook 2003 and wont do it because it wont
work on vista. How do I get the machine to fix this. I dont know what to
do. any help would be great.
for a time..then I d/l vista this weekend. everything works but outlook
2007. I tried to re install it and wont install outlook all over says its
not in there. tried to re d/l outlook 2003 and wont do it because it wont
work on vista. How do I get the machine to fix this. I dont know what to
do. any help would be great.