
In Word I would type text as well as add an image. But the thing is the text would print out but the image would be replaced with EMBED Microsoft Works I can't understand why this is happening. Please HELPPPPP


Try being sure that when you save it "save as" that where
it says "save as type" is a "Word Document *.doc". Maybe
you are opening an MSworks file with Word. That's the
only thing I can think of. After doing that then try
printing it. Let me know how it goes.
-----Original Message-----
In Word I would type text as well as add an image. But
the thing is the text would print out but the image would
be replaced with EMBED Microsoft Works I can't
understand why this is happening. Please HELPPPPP

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Shanny,

It sounds like you're seeing field codes instead of field results
in your print out. If the screen is okay turn off the [x] field codes
setting in Tools=>Options=>Print

In Word I would type text as well as add an image. But the thing is the text would print out but the image would be replaced with
EMBED Microsoft Works I can't understand why this is happening. Please HELPPPPP >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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