Help with printing



I have posted a question related to this but still have not found a
solution….help would be greatly appreciated.

I am trying to create a batch processing sheet (using Forms) for my company
which they use to make checks before they label medicines

I have a Product Details table which I have created a Form with. This is
purely a look up table therefore when the Primary key ‘ECMA’ number is
searched for it will automatically populate all related fields – Product,
Pack size, Details etc.

I then have a second table Form Details where details about the product are
entered and stored in the database. These tables are linked using the ECMA.
The ECMA number is a foreign key in this table as the same products will
undoubtedly need to be labelled again. The Form details has a unique field
called ‘Batch number’ which is an Autonumber, therefore a certain batch can
be searched for again in case there is any discrepancies with the product.

The Form runs off the Product Details table and I have made the Form details
into a Query which is then made into a Subform. What I want to be able to do
is only print one record – on the actual Form or on a Report.

Damian S

Hi Kirt84,

Any time you want to print a single record, you simply need to restrict the
query to that one record using the appropriate ID field...

Create a report to print the details in the format you require. Then,
create a query to run the report, with the ID having a criteria of
forms!frmNAME.lngIDFIELD where frmNAME is the name of your form you have
open, and lngIDFIELD is the name of the field on the form that contains the
ID of the single record you want to print.

Easy Peasy...



I have put this in the criteria of the query but when i run the report it
pops up with a message box with the information show below.


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