Help with query or table setup



I am trying to create a database to track employees info and trainings to see if they are late and such. Each employee has numerous trainings they must take and I'm trying to figure out the best way to build this so I can run a query or report that will show which employee has trainings that are past due or late.

I started the first time by just having a table called training with a field called this too that you could chose from a list and pick the training, enter the date taken, it would calculate the expire date, and had an area to check yes if it was late. I had problems with this setup so I tried a separate table for each class, but am also having problems getting a query to run and pull up anything. If I do get it to work, it shows all the classes even if they weren't late (it has the field blank), which is a waste of space. I would like it to pull only those classes that are late and list them by employee. Any suggestions?

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