Help with Query/Report Design



Could you all please help me with a report/query design.

I currently receive 2 files of data in excel weekly. One has weekly
production data, the other has weekly scheduled forcast data.

Both files contain 3 columns of data. LineID, ModelID, and Qty. In the
Production file the LineID and ModelID are never null. In the Schedule file
the lineID is never null but the ModelID often is (they are planning on
producing so many of a certian type of model, but a the time of forecast they
are unsure exactly what options they might have)

I would like to be able to combine these files to creat a report that looks
like this:

ModelID QtyScheduled
(if null) "No Model ID Assigned" some Qty 0

Line Totals Total Qty Scheduled Total Qty Produced

This way at a glance I can see if each of the lines met their schdeduling

I can get a report that looks very similar to this, but all of the schedule
qtys that don't have a model ID get put in a group at the top (because the
grouping is done by ProductionLineID...not scheduledLineID). I would like
them to be grouped by their scheduledLineID if the ProductionID is null (i

I am having trouble figuring out how to query the data to make this happen.
I have considered one report based off a union query, or one report based of
schdueld data with a subreport based on the production data, but I get hung
up on both of them...

Could one of you smart people get me headed in the right direction?

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