I have three tables : Quotas, Results, and Predictions. In the Quotas I have
for each match the koeficent for Win, Loose (eg. Team1-Team2, Win=1.5,Loose
The Results its the result of the game (Team1-Team2:Win=1 Loose=2), and the
Prediction is the what result somebody choosed for that game (Team1-Team2:
Result = 1).
Now I need to have a query that if the Prediction for a game = Result of the
game (we have a winner) take the koeficent from the Quotas that correspond to
Win or Loose based on the result (need the koeficent).
Thanks in adavance
for each match the koeficent for Win, Loose (eg. Team1-Team2, Win=1.5,Loose
The Results its the result of the game (Team1-Team2:Win=1 Loose=2), and the
Prediction is the what result somebody choosed for that game (Team1-Team2:
Result = 1).
Now I need to have a query that if the Prediction for a game = Result of the
game (we have a winner) take the koeficent from the Quotas that correspond to
Win or Loose based on the result (need the koeficent).
Thanks in adavance