LeftyLeo via AccessMonster.com
I have the following code and what I am trying to do is go through each
record in rec determine the OpenDate and based on whether it is > or = to
Period 10 run and one insert code else a different insert code. I know I
have to move to the next record some where but not sure where. Not sure how
to do this, any help would be appreciated.
Private Sub cmdNewGasStations_Click()
Dim rec As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rec2 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strYear
Dim strPeriod
Set rec = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rec2 = New ADODB.Recordset
rec.Open "SELECT tblGasStations.OpenDate, tblGasStations.fldOpen FROM
tblGasStations WHERE (((tblGasStations.OpenDate) Is Not Null) AND (
(tblGasStations.fldOpen)=No));", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic,
While rec.EOF
If Right(rec("OpenDate"), 2) < "10" Then
strYear = Left(rec("OpenDate"), 4) - 1
strPeriod = Right(rec("OpenDate"), 2)
rec2.Open "INSERT INTO tblFinalCopy ( Location, [Date], Costs, Acct )
SELECT tblGasStations.Location, tblFinalCopy.Date, [Costs]*0.03 AS GasCosts,
'GasStation' AS Expr1 FROM tblGasStations INNER JOIN tblFinalCopy ON
tblGasStations.Location = tblFinalCopy.Location WHERE (((tblFinalCopy.Date)
CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
strYear = Left(rec("openDate"), 4) - 2
strPeriod = "01"
rec2.Open "INSERT INTO tblFinalCopy ( Location, [Date], Costs, Acct )
SELECT tblGasStations.Location, tblFinalCopy.Date, [Costs]*0.03 AS GasCosts,
'GasStation' AS Expr1 FROM tblGasStations INNER JOIN tblFinalCopy ON
tblGasStations.Location = tblFinalCopy.Location WHERE (((tblFinalCopy.Date)
Open)=No) AND ((tblFinalCopy.Acct)='Elec'));", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
End If
End Sub
record in rec determine the OpenDate and based on whether it is > or = to
Period 10 run and one insert code else a different insert code. I know I
have to move to the next record some where but not sure where. Not sure how
to do this, any help would be appreciated.
Private Sub cmdNewGasStations_Click()
Dim rec As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rec2 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strYear
Dim strPeriod
Set rec = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rec2 = New ADODB.Recordset
rec.Open "SELECT tblGasStations.OpenDate, tblGasStations.fldOpen FROM
tblGasStations WHERE (((tblGasStations.OpenDate) Is Not Null) AND (
(tblGasStations.fldOpen)=No));", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic,
While rec.EOF
If Right(rec("OpenDate"), 2) < "10" Then
strYear = Left(rec("OpenDate"), 4) - 1
strPeriod = Right(rec("OpenDate"), 2)
rec2.Open "INSERT INTO tblFinalCopy ( Location, [Date], Costs, Acct )
SELECT tblGasStations.Location, tblFinalCopy.Date, [Costs]*0.03 AS GasCosts,
'GasStation' AS Expr1 FROM tblGasStations INNER JOIN tblFinalCopy ON
tblGasStations.Location = tblFinalCopy.Location WHERE (((tblFinalCopy.Date)
(tblGasStations.fldOpen)=No) AND ((tblFinalCopy.Acct)='Elec'));",=strYear & strPeriod) AND ((tblGasStations.OpenDate) Is Not Null) AND (
CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
strYear = Left(rec("openDate"), 4) - 2
strPeriod = "01"
rec2.Open "INSERT INTO tblFinalCopy ( Location, [Date], Costs, Acct )
SELECT tblGasStations.Location, tblFinalCopy.Date, [Costs]*0.03 AS GasCosts,
'GasStation' AS Expr1 FROM tblGasStations INNER JOIN tblFinalCopy ON
tblGasStations.Location = tblFinalCopy.Location WHERE (((tblFinalCopy.Date)
strPeriod) AND ((tblGasStations.OpenDate) Is Not Null) AND ((tblGasStations.=strYear & Right([OpenDate],2) And (tblFinalCopy.Date)< me.txtYear &
Open)=No) AND ((tblFinalCopy.Acct)='Elec'));", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
End If
End Sub