Help With Resizing More Than One Process Box Simultaneously



I am really new to Visio and trying to create a Process Flow Diagram. I
have realized that I should have sized nearly all my process boxes to the
same size. Is there a way to do this simultaneously and not have to drag
the size handles of each individual box?



display the size and position window.
select all your shape
type the width and height in the size and position window.


Thank you very much. Is there a similar method for changing all the line
weights for the connectors?

Bill Morein [MSFT]

One thing that you might want to look at is the Document Stencil. Any edits
you make to the master shapes used will automatically update the shapes on
the page built from those masters.

1. To get to the Document Stencil, go to "File>Shapes>Show Document
Stencil". You should see all of the shapes that you have used in your

2. Then, right click on the shape you want to update and select "Edit
Master>Edit Master Shape".

3. Edit the shape to look how you want, then close that window. It will ask
you if you want to update all of the instances of that shape. Say yes and
your shapes will be updated.


As Bill say, if you want to modify the weight of all the connectors of your
drawing, check the connector in the document stencil and modify his weight.
All subsequents connectors will be of the same weight.
If you drawing is blank first of all drop a connector in the drawing and
modify the document stencil. You can further on erasing the connector in
your drawing it will stay in the document stencil.

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