Help with save behavior



My name is Omar Kalala, I am creating a facesheet for a medical chart. I
am using infopath 2003 and i need help changing the save behavior. I need to
know if there is a way to change the save code so that I can have the default
filename be taken from specific criteria that users will enter into the blank
form. Moreover, I also need to know if there is a way to change the default
directory and folder that the new forms will save to. If anyone has any
answer to this question, I would greatly appericate it.


I've read that article already, my problem is that i really don't know java
script. I don't know how to set up the code so that the save behavior will
default to the fields entered by the users, if you could give me something
more, I would appericate it.


Go to Tools/Submitting Form. Setup how and where you want the form to
submit to. You can concat multiple fields to make you filename based
off of fields inside the form.



This was helpful, thank you. There is one problem, however; I cannot figure
out how to work this for the 'save as' exceution. If you could help me figure
out how to do the same thing when the user clicks 'save as', I would
appericate it.

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