Help with Search Query



hi.. i am currently creating an employee database.. and there is a form on
the database that needs to search on records.. i am planning to create a form
with a single textbox (for the keyword entry) and a search command button
that when clicked, the search results will be shown in a seaparate continuous

now here is my query:

SELECT tblEmployee.EmployeeIDPK, tblEmployee.LastName, tblEmployee.FirstName,
tblEmployee.MiddleName, tblCompany.CompanyName, tblDealer.DealerName,
tblOutlet.OutletName, tblPosition.PositionName
FROM (tblOutlet INNER JOIN (tblDealer INNER JOIN (tblCompany INNER JOIN
tblPosition ON tblCompany.CompanyIDPK = tblPosition.CompanyIDFK) ON tblDealer.
DealerIDPK = tblPosition.DealerIDFK) ON tblOutlet.OutletIDPK = tblPosition.
OutletIDFK) INNER JOIN tblEmployee ON tblPosition.PositionIDPK = tblEmployee.
WHERE (((tblPosition.PositionName)=[Forms]![frmSearchEmployee]![txtSearchFor])
) OR (((tblOutlet.OutletName)=[Forms]![frmSearchEmployee]![txtSearchFor])) OR
(((tblDealer.DealerName)=[Forms]![frmSearchEmployee]![txtSearchFor])) OR ((
(tblCompany.CompanyName)=[Forms]![frmSearchEmployee]![txtSearchFor])) OR ((
(tblEmployee.MiddleName)=[Forms]![frmSearchEmployee]![txtSearchFor])) OR ((
(tblEmployee.FirstName)=[Forms]![frmSearchEmployee]![txtSearchFor])) OR ((
(tblEmployee.LastName)=[Forms]![frmSearchEmployee]![txtSearchFor])) OR ((

but when i click search, the results are empty. what could be wrong with the
query? is it the query? what should be the record source for the search form
and the result form?

if you want to see the actual ms access file, here it is: resource info

the name of the form is frmSearchEmployee and frmSearchResultEmployee and the
name of the query is qrySearchResult.. thanks a lot and God bless..

Duane Hookom

Your query expects exact matches to txtSearchFor. If you want partial
matches, you must use " Like " rather than " = ".

If you don't have any criteria, does your query return any records?

lushh via

it works if i don't have a criteria. it returns all the employees in the
database... even if i am already typing in the exact name of the employee,
there are still 0 results..

Duane said:
Your query expects exact matches to txtSearchFor. If you want partial
matches, you must use " Like " rather than " = ".

If you don't have any criteria, does your query return any records?
hi.. i am currently creating an employee database.. and there is a form on
the database that needs to search on records.. i am planning to create a
[quoted text clipped - 44 lines]
name of the query is qrySearchResult.. thanks a lot and God bless..

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