help with sending replies and continuing a discussion thread



I have been attempting to continue a thread but my reply does not get
highlighted in the thread. I have had 4 unsucessful attempts. Can the
moderator let me know if there has been a netowork problem.



I have been attempting to continue a thread but my reply does not get
highlighted in the thread. I have had 4 unsucessful attempts. Can the
moderator let me know if there has been a netowork problem.


There is no moderator and this is not the place to ask this type of

The access in this groups title refers to Microsoft Access, a database
Please repost to the correct newsgroup for the program you are using.
I would suggest you include your Windows and Office version number in
your message. It might make a difference.

a a r o n . k e m p f

your app is probably built on Access-- you need to find someone to
move it to SQL Server.

lots of Access losers blame things on the network.
Don't listen to them. UPSIZE, UPSIZE, UPSIZE!



Hi Everyone,

I do not mean to upset or spam this info thread.

I use Microsoft Access 2007 and Office 2003. There is nothing wrong with the
software. I should have been more clear in what i was referring to.

I was following up on a post which i had posted on Entering values into a
form based on 2 different datasources in the Access Database form coding
section on this group.

Marshall Barton was kind enough to help me out with some solutions. I had
about 8 posts going back and forth and when i was attempting to reply to him
my 9 post was getting sent but when i checked it on a later date or the next
day it was not there. I was not sure if my replies were getting saved and
thus wanted to know if there was a moderator who could fix this problem.

No worries i will try again and if not try to start a new thread.

thanks for your replies. I have been a strong supporter of this help group
since I have been guided through more than once, learnt a lot and have
improved my basics and feel more confident dealing with MS access issues.


a a r o n . k e m p f

well if things work good today-- that is fine and good.
what about when someone wants to use a wireless network connection?

what if someone wants to use your Access application over a vpn?

SQL Server just works everywhere.

Write once, run anywhere.


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