help with split Db's



I have a Access 2000 db made with office xp Pro. an I
have a db tht I finishe and split. I want to make it more
user friendly. Let say if some one move the back end, I
wanted the fron end on startup to look and see if the db
is there, if not there, I want it to pop up a browse
window, or the linked table manager, so the user can
browse to were it has moved. I have used some code that I
found on the internet, and it seems not to work, becouse
I get the error that the back end was not found, before
the code can work.

1. Is there any way to turn off that error so the code
can work?

2. Or how can I get the code to run before the error

Thanks, Allen

John Vinson

1. Is there any way to turn off that error so the code
can work?

2. Or how can I get the code to run before the error

Depends on the code! Most of the routines I've seen will pop up a
message box saying the backend was not found. Could you post (at least
the beginning of) the code, and indicate how you're calling it? along
with the text of the error?


This is the code that is in a module:

Option Explicit

Public Const conAppTitle = "MyProgram"
Public Const DataMdb = "MyDat.mdb"
Public Const PgmMdb = "MyPgm.mdb"
Public Const SomeTable = "MyTableName"

Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll"
Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME)
As Boolean
Declare Function GetSaveFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll"
Alias "GetSaveFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME)
As Boolean

strFilter As String
lngFilterIndex As Long
strInitialDir As String
strInitialFile As String
strDialogTitle As String
strDefaultExtension As String
lngFlags As Long
strFullPathReturned As String
strFileNameReturned As String
intFileOffset As Integer
intFileExtension As Integer
End Type

Const ALLFILES = "All Files"

lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As Long
nMaxCustrFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
Flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustrData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As Long
End Type

Const OFN_EXPLORER = &H80000

Public Function CheckLinks() As Boolean 'Check links to
the DataMdb database; returns True if links are OK.
Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb

'Open a linked table to see if connection information is
On Error Resume Next
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("MPPTbl")

'If there's no error, return True.
If Err = 0 Then
CheckLinks = True
CheckLinks = False
End If

End Function

Public Function RelinkTables() As Boolean
Dim strSearchPath As String, strFileName As String,
intError As Integer, strError As String

Const conMaxTables = 8
Const conNonExistentTable = 3011
Const conNotNorthwind = 3078
Const conNwindNotFound = 3024
Const conAccessDenied = 3051
Const conReadOnlyDatabase = 3027

Dim strPath As String
Dim strNewDB As String

'Look for the DataMdb database in the same folder.
strSearchPath = CurrentDb().Name
strSearchPath = Left$(strSearchPath, Len(strSearchPath) -

If (Dir(strSearchPath & DataMdb) <> "") Then
strFileName = strSearchPath & DataMdb
Else 'Can't find DataMdb, so display the Open dialog box.
MsgBox "Can't find linked tables in the " & DataMdb
& " database." & vbCrLf & _
"You must locate " & DataMdb & " in order to use " &
conAppTitle & ".", vbExclamation

strFileName = FindDatFile(strSearchPath)
If strFileName = "" Then
strError = "Sorry, you must locate " & DataMdb
& " to open " & conAppTitle & "."
GoTo Exit_Failed
End If
End If

'Fix the links.
If RefreshLinks(strFileName, strSearchPath) = True Then
RelinkTables = True
Exit Function
End If

' If it failed, display an error.
Select Case Err
Case conNonExistentTable, conNotNorthwind
strError = "File '" & strFileName & "does not contain
the required " & DataMdb & "tables."
Case Err = conNwindNotFound
strError = "You can't run " & conAppTitle & " until
you locate the " & DataMdb & " database."
Case Err = conAccessDenied
strError = "Couldn't open " & strFileName & " because
it is read-only or located on a read-only share."
Case Err = conReadOnlyDatabase
strError = "Can't relink tables because " &
conAppTitle & " is read-only or is located on a read-only
Case Else
strError = Err.Description
End Select

MsgBox strError, vbCritical
RelinkTables = False

End Function

Private Function RefreshLinks(strFileName As String,
strSearchPath As String) As Boolean

Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef
Set dbs = CurrentDb()

For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
If Len(tdf.Connect) > 0 And (tdf.Attributes And
dbAttachedTable) Then
tdf.Connect = ";DATABASE=" & strFileName
Err = 0
On Error Resume Next
If Err <> 0 Then
RefreshLinks = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next tdf
RefreshLinks = True

End Function

Function FindDatFile(strSearchPath) As String 'Displays
the Open dialog box for the user to locate the DataMdb
database. Returns the full path to it.
msaof.strDialogTitle = "Where Is " & DataMdb & "?"
msaof.strInitialDir = strSearchPath
msaof.strFilter = MSA_CreateFilterString
("Databases", "*.mdb")

MSA_GetOpenFileName msaof

FindDatFile = Trim(msaof.strFullPathReturned)

End Function

Function MSA_CreateFilterString(ParamArray varFilt() As
Variant) As String

Dim strFilter As String, intRet As Integer, intNum As
intNum = UBound(varFilt)
If (intNum <> -1) Then
For intRet = 0 To intNum
strFilter = strFilter & varFilt(intRet) & vbNullChar
If intNum Mod 2 = 0 Then
strFilter = strFilter & "*.*" & vbNullChar
End If
strFilter = strFilter & vbNullChar
strFilter = ""
End If

MSA_CreateFilterString = strFilter
End Function

Function MSA_ConvertFilterString(strFilterIn As String)
As String

Dim strFilter As String, intNum As Integer, intPos As
Integer, intLastPos As Integer

strFilter = ""
intNum = 0
intPos = 1
intLastPos = 1

intPos = InStr(intLastPos, strFilterIn, "|")
If (intPos > intLastPos) Then
strFilter = strFilter & MID(strFilterIn,
intLastPos, intPos - intLastPos) & vbNullChar
intNum = intNum + 1
intLastPos = intPos + 1
ElseIf (intPos = intLastPos) Then
intLastPos = intPos + 1
End If
Loop Until (intPos = 0)

intPos = Len(strFilterIn)
If (intPos >= intLastPos) Then
strFilter = strFilter & MID(strFilterIn, intLastPos,
intPos - intLastPos + 1) & vbNullChar
intNum = intNum + 1
End If

If intNum Mod 2 = 1 Then
strFilter = strFilter & "*.*" & vbNullChar
End If

If strFilter <> "" Then
strFilter = strFilter & vbNullChar
End If

MSA_ConvertFilterString = strFilter
End Function

Private Function MSA_GetSaveFileName(msaof As

Dim of As OPENFILENAME, intRet As Integer

MSAOF_to_OF msaof, of
of.Flags = of.Flags Or OFN_HIDEREADONLY
intRet = GetSaveFileName(of)
If intRet Then
OF_to_MSAOF of, msaof
End If
MSA_GetSaveFileName = intRet
End Function

Function MSA_SimpleGetSaveFileName() As String

Dim msaof As MSA_OPENFILENAME, intRet As Integer, strRet
As String

intRet = MSA_GetSaveFileName(msaof)
If intRet Then
strRet = msaof.strFullPathReturned
End If

MSA_SimpleGetSaveFileName = strRet
End Function

Private Function MSA_GetOpenFileName(msaof As

Dim of As OPENFILENAME, intRet As Integer

MSAOF_to_OF msaof, of
intRet = GetOpenFileName(of)
If intRet Then
OF_to_MSAOF of, msaof
End If
MSA_GetOpenFileName = intRet
End Function

Function MSA_SimpleGetOpenFileName() As String

Dim msaof As MSA_OPENFILENAME, intRet As Integer, strRet
As String

intRet = MSA_GetOpenFileName(msaof)
If intRet Then
strRet = msaof.strFullPathReturned
End If

MSA_SimpleGetOpenFileName = strRet
End Function

Private Sub OF_to_MSAOF(of As OPENFILENAME, msaof As
MSA_OPENFILENAME) 'This sub converts from the Win32
structure to the Microsoft Access structure.

msaof.strFullPathReturned = Left(of.lpstrFile, InStr
(of.lpstrFile, vbNullChar) - 1)
msaof.strFileNameReturned = of.lpstrFileTitle
msaof.intFileOffset = of.nFileOffset
msaof.intFileExtension = of.nFileExtension
End Sub

Private Sub MSAOF_to_OF(msaof As MSA_OPENFILENAME, of As
OPENFILENAME) 'This sub converts from the Microsoft
Access structure to the Win32 structure.
Dim strFile As String * 512
of.hwndOwner = Application.hWndAccessApp
of.hInstance = 0
of.lpstrCustomFilter = 0
of.nMaxCustrFilter = 0
of.lpfnHook = 0
of.lpTemplateName = 0
of.lCustrData = 0

If msaof.strFilter = "" Then
of.lpstrFilter = MSA_CreateFilterString(ALLFILES)
of.lpstrFilter = msaof.strFilter
End If
of.nFilterIndex = msaof.lngFilterIndex

of.lpstrFile = msaof.strInitialFile & String(512 - Len
(msaof.strInitialFile), 0)
of.nMaxFile = 511

of.lpstrFileTitle = String(512, 0)
of.nMaxFileTitle = 511

of.lpstrTitle = msaof.strDialogTitle

of.lpstrInitialDir = msaof.strInitialDir

of.lpstrDefExt = msaof.strDefaultExtension

of.Flags = msaof.lngFlags

of.lStructSize = Len(of)
End Sub

This is a code for the onload() on the app that starts up:

If CheckLinks() = False Then
If RelinkTables() = False Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Startup"
End If
End If

this is the error I get when I move the back end:

C:\and the path of db database for relink\backend is not
a valid path. make sure the path name is spelled
correctly and that you are connected to the server which
the file resides. ok or help

Silly Goose

Follow these steps:
(1) Create an AutoExec macro with only one
action "RunCode" funAutoExec().

(2) Create a module and a a function called funAutoExec().

(3) As the first thing in the function include:

On Error Goto ReconnectData
Set rsAnything = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblAnything",
Set rsAnything = Nothing
On Error Goto 0

(4) Add your reconnecting code into the error routine.
After reconnecting add this line:

Resume Next

This should get you going.

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