Help with sql query


Michel Walsh


Can you rephrase the problem, not how you feel to solve it, but in what
is the "starting" context and what is the "ending" result you want. A small
text sample (not the whole database, no attachment either) picturing the
starting stage and the ending stage, as example, can be helpful. I speak
only for me, but as stated, I just do not understand.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

andyL said:
I got an access table (root table) in my testDB below, I need help on
A query that uses if statement (if User=name1 then ….else….QnameU =
U(or 0)) and places the results like the destination table below sorted
by date. I am stuck on this!!

File Attached:

Jeff Boyce


Newsgroup protocol does not allow for attachments. Would you open an
unsolicited attachment you picked up in a public place?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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