Help with Sum on report


Mark Jackson


I have a report based on a query and I am having trouble with summing a
particular field. Each day I enter the total # of postings into a subreport
along with the date. In another subreport I enter date issued, part #,
solicitation #, and price. I created a query that has the # of postings,
part #, solicitation #, date issued, and price.

On my report I am trying to sum the total number of postings. The problem I
am having is the sum of the postings is not the correct total. On my query I
noticed that under the postings column it shows the number of postings for
each entry, is there way to show only one total posting for each day? When I
sum the total postings I get a total of 78 instead of 39. I tried hiding
duplicates but it still totals 78.

Postings Part# Solicitation # Date Issued Price
14 ABC 12345 11-5-06 $250.00
14 SCD 28376 11-5-06 $500.00
25 GHT 98764 11-5-06 $434.00
25 DSG 63763 11-5-06 $767.00

Any help is appreciated

Duane Hookom

I have trouble getting past " enter the total # of postings into a subreport
" which you kinda state twice. Can we assume you are entering this in a

You can create a totals query on the postings table. Then add this one
record totals query to your report's record source to get the Sum of
postings to place in your report.


Each day I enter the total # of postings into a subreport
along with the date. In another subreport I enter date issued, part #,
solicitation #, and price.

just to clarify: you're actually *entering* this data into *forms*, not
reports (reports are not interactive - they can only be used for data

is each "date issued, part #, > solicitation #, and price" a single record?
and is that record considered to be "one posting"?

if so, are you then counting the posting records entered in a day, and then
entering that count into another table (via a form)?

if yes to all the above questions, then your "count of daily postings" is a
calculated value that doesn't need to be (and shouldn't be) saved in a
table. just base your report on the table that holds the individual posting
records; you can use the Sorting and Grouping dialog box to group the
records by date, and then use a calculated textbox control in the group
footer to count the total number of posting for each day.

if you answered No to any of the above questions, then please explain the
relationship between the two sets of records you're entering: "the total #
of postings" and "date issued, part #, solicitation #, and price".


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