Help with table and forms coding


Bernard Piette

Real Estate Database: for condo developer.

Is there a recommended number of fields in an access table?

I have a table with 75 fields and could break it up into 5 tables of 15

Let's say a CONDO for EXAMPLE :

They have all their contact info, financial info, marketing hype etc

BC these ALL FIELDS are unique to the individual condo.PK Would it follow
3nf to leave them in the same table ?Then if you wanted to improve db
performance you would split the table with the primary key being a foregin
key lookup etc. Currently 200 records and will grow to 5000 maybe one day.

Well, that's only the half of it...

Actually here'e the real deal.

My tables are normalized and in fact have the tables all split up but I have
huge problem,

I'm trying to use a tabbed form for my units ... Goes like this


etc... there are 8 tabs in total.

In form design mode I select tblUnits to drag and drops fields from the
field picker...The other tables have a foreign key to the unitID set as the
PK. First Tab works fine I can see all my data in form view.

PROBLEM: when I go to the second tab and drag and drop the fields from my
second table all the records in the first tab become unbound :-\

So to solve this I would have put everything back into 1 table and then I
could drag and drop whatever fields I wanted unto however many tabbed contols
to my heart's content without any programming etc.

I'm certain many of you have faced this before, yet it seems crazy that I
would want to UNnormalize a databse just so I could quickly create apropriate
forms .

I think I'm going nuts, and bald :)



I have replied the issue in another thread named "Table Structure and
Related Form Design", Please refer to that.



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